Friday 24 April 2009


There is a report that Frank Lampard called up a radio station to berate the presenter because this James O’Brien person said that Lampard was a bad father because he lived in a mansion in Chelsea leaving his kids in a small flat.

I know footballers are stupid but this idiot, Lampard takes the mickey by saying that he is a good father because the flat is in Fulham and he is in the process of buying a house for his children; a process that started in November last year. When did providing accommodation for your child become an achievement?

Now, Lampard will not be the first footballer who has kids outside wedlock, or the first footballer to abandon his kids, David Seaman did it some years ago but he is the first player to call up the radio presenter to put the record straight and then decides that he is the victim.

Lampard, take care of your kids, provide for them and shut up about it all and stop hiding behind your mother's death.

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